The month of September would be a short month.
School only started in the second week of August and the first two days were just orientation. There were only classes scheduled for Thursday and Friday. And a dry mixer was scheduled for at least two dorms and one or more faculties for Friday and Saturday.
Most of Kate's classes were on Mondays and Wednesdays, so she was focussed on meeting people. And guys. That had been on her mind since her parents left for home on Monday evening.
Fumio, on the other hand, was not off to a good start. He arrived late and missed commencement on Wednesday : it was mid-day Thursday when his plane touched down.
"Today is a complete wash," he thought to himself as he stood in line with his new luggage, student visa and passport waiting for his turn to pass through US Customs.
He was so late because he had missed his connecting flight in L.A. Tired and a little irritable, he now felt very far from his native eastern Japan. Not only was yesterday supposed to have been his first day at a university, today was now his first day outside an airport in North America - but he felt no excitement.
At the airport curb he gave a taxi driver the name and address of his dorm and tried to explain that he was a foreign student. He should have been met by someone at international arrivals, or failing that, he should have taken a cab only as far as the commuter rail station. It was an expensive first trip to the college.
月曜日 げつようび moon-weekday-day Monday
火曜日 かようび
水曜日 すいようび
木曜日 もくようび
金曜日 きんようび
土曜日 どようび
日曜日 にちようび
KLC 27.e Mon, & Wed.
月水金 げっすいきん Mon-Wed-Fri
土日 weekend
曜 day of the week
ヨウ an On-yomi-ONLY kanji
本日 today ほんじつ
東日本 ひがしにほん eastern Nihon
大学 だいがく university
留学生 りゅうがくせい overseas student ; exchange student
25,曜,day of the week
28,木,tree ; wood
29,金,metal ; gold ; money
30,土,soil ; (land)
31,本,basis (origin ; root) ; book ; this
33,大,big ; university
35,中,middle ; in (throughout) ; China
36,生,life (grow); be born (give birth to); student